Quarter Life Crisis

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Its been just over a year since I last posted on this blog… That’s not to say I have not written. I have a surplus of maybe 10 unposted drafts I was planning on posting and never did. The reason you might ask?? Well they all started out great but then somehow became morbid and depressing! I kept telling myself, you can’t post that! People will get worried! And then I would loose my train of thought on said feelings-save & close!

But I have decided that today is the day! I am writing and whatever it says, I must post it!

The last post I posted was about me finally quitting my job and all the things I was grateful for at that point in my life. Reading through it now, it seems so juvenile looking at what I thought I was grateful for. Somethings do ring true still but others were slightly superficial!

Let me bring your attention to point 8. of said post, ” My Granny’s Fighting Spirit! ” This (I assume) is what has led me to this current state of being. I say I assume because I am actually not sure.

My gran passed away on the 6th of February 2014 from a Heart Attack! I would love to go into detail about how much my gran meant to me or why she was so Important but that is my story, the one I will carry with me forever. All I can say is she was my everything!

After her passing I went into like a 2 month (maybe longer) silence. Cut out toxic friendships but also the good ones. Became a total home body! I wont lie, it was wonderful being home every weekend!

But that has lead me here, where I am now unhappy with the person I have become! That person being… a disorganized, lazy couch potato with an addiction to clutter! To at least give myself a little bit of credit I did quit smoking and I have rekindled a few healthy friendships. But the feeling of being trapped has not lessened.

I think it all stems from the fact that I have no Idea what is happening with my body, I have ballooned in size (not big balloon but enough to feel uncomfortable) My skin has been on a roller coaster from hell!!! Its finally coming right though and I just feel sort of lost organisational wise. I used to be so good at knowing what I needed to do to get where I wanted to be. Now I know I want to be on top of all the aspects of my life but I am just not sure how to get there or how to start getting there.

I keep telling myself, I cannot be the only person feeling like this? Can I? The biggest of all the problems… All the people I was in High school seem to have their shit together. Do I seem that way to them? Like I have my shit together while they fall apart? Who really knows? Like really?

That’s the problem with the new lives we live, its all pretty on the screen because we choose to make it seem that way but whats really going on?

I’m going to be the first person to call bullshit! I don’t have my shit together & I ain’t happy about it! But I am working on it!

If you feel like joining the club, take a badge… Lol!

I dont have my shit together badgeSo that’s my quarter life crisis explained. Hopefully now I can get the fudge over it!

ILNP: Birefringence (H)

So beautiful. *swoon for days.

Painted Fingertips

Hi everyone!

I’m sure many of you have seen swatches of I Love Nail Polish’s gorgeous Ultrachrome range. These polishes were on the TOP of my lemming list since the first time I saw them. When it was announced that they were bringing out holographic versions of the polish – and you could get a free limited edition polish if you bought them in the preorder – I could no longer resist. So, I got my very first indie/boutique polishes and I got my biggest lemming! I can’t wait to show you!

Today, I have Birefringence (H). I’ve done a separate post for each of the 5 polishes I got just because they are all beyond gorgeous and need a lot of pictures to do them justice! So look out for the rest in the next couple of weeks 🙂 This post is a bit more picture heavy than usual…

View original post 287 more words

Being Grateful

So I have been doing a heck of a lot of reading and not much writing. Hence my very long leave of tactlessness.

I have a couple of cynical drafts saved for when I get mad but never actually post them… I am a wee scaredy-cat.



Anyway in my encounters with reading other peoples blogs I came to notice that I myself never really say out loud, what I am grateful for… And when I started thinking of the things I was grateful for the list seemed normal enough and then it ran a little short and bombed out in the end… It was a slightly superficial list if you ask me!

Before I get to the list of gratefulness, let me give you a run down of my life since my last post…

I QUIT MY JOB!!! Yes indeed I did. I had a mini pre-mid-life-crisis and decided I couldn’t work for free anymore (Long Story!!!!) but anyway I have officially been unemployed for about almost 3 weeks now. People keep asking me if I am worried because I dont have an income… Im not! I was smart enough to save and save and save and… You get the point!

So I am secure in the sense that I have some time to sit back and try to relax. Let me just tell you I have been much busier now then before. If I could be paid for the stuff I get up to I would be in heaven!

The last few weeks I have been planning a Party and doing odd jobs. #Literallyexhausted!

During these three weeks of freedom I thought of what I am grateful for and so here is my weird list!


  1. My very large Family! My many cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grannies, mothers and my dads. I am also extremely thankful for my boyfriends family, who treat me as one of their own.
  2. My absolutely fantastic and supportive boyfriend!!!
  3. My supportive and somewhat neglected friends who are patient and understanding to the drama’s of my life.
  4. My adopted cuddle buddy Freddie-Winkle (He is a little Ginger Fur Ball that likes leaving his fur on everything!!!)
  5. My Shelly-Bean that gets me from A to B alive, even if I did sink a pretty penny into her!
  6. Car Insurance! Thank goodness for you!
  7. The person who invented Sushi & Wine!
  8. My Granny’s Fighting Spirit!
  9. My “Never Give Up/Always Keep Moving” Attitude
  10. The Person that invented Big Wine Glasses.
  11. Katie Fford for writing my favorite Romance Novels.
  12. Anyone who ever wrote a kick ass sing-a-long song
  13. PINTEREST & Tumblr
  14. The person who invented Nail Polish and the bloggers that continue to inspire me!
  15. The ability to know right from wrong.
  16. A passion to change the world!
  17. Second Chances and changing my mind a million times!
  18. Being able to learn and grow!
  19. Hours & Hours of my favorite TV Series!
  20. And Lastly… I am grateful for the Life my mother & father gave me. I would not be here if it wasn’t for them! And then to every other person who had a hand in helping me grow since 1991!

So that’s my list of gratefulness.


What are you grateful for? Remind yourself daily!



Take No Prisoners… A Life Approach!

Please be advised in this post I might come across as Arrogant or Self-absorbed. I personally do not feel I am either of those things.  Therefore I do not take responsibility for your opinions or perceptions to the text below!- My dad encouraged me to write this post!

Recently I have received a bit of negative feed back from people that follow another blog I write for. They mostly aimed their attack at my intentions and attitude or the way I come across. I have tried to remain professional and defend myself but after a while you kind of just get sick of it!

Generally as a person I am considered to be the nice kind, I have good values and morals, I invest time into my passions and hobbies, I do a great deal with my favorite Charity and General Global Awareness, I have my own formed opinions about various topics and I like to know what I am talking about therefore I am always reading something! I am not shallow, vindictive, malicious or harmful to anyone. I do however always stand up for myself and my loved ones. I do not let opinions sway my beliefs or my ambitions to succeed. I am a very strong person and do not stand for nonsense. These are all characteristics that I have acquired because I had to in order to survive!

I must be honest this isn’t the first time in my life I have experienced negative feelings towards me as a person, previously it was a massive Jealousy issue and I have a feeling it is the same now!

Let me give you some background about me because people seem to think I was born with a silverspoon in my mouth!

It would be an insult to my Family to suggest that I had a difficult childhood/adolescence. But it was not the easiest up bringing. I didn’t have a good relationship with my father growing up, I have only started mending it in the last 3 years or so . And my mother worked so much I hardly spent time with her as a young child. My most vivid memories as a child are with my grannies.  I always remember my mother as being a very soft and sensitive person, I think that is what drove me to be so strong. I do not wish to speak of my mother’s issues as they are not mine. She however has spoken of them and can be read here.

I have always lived with my mother and when we lived in Johannesburg I would see my dad every second weekend. We then relocated to Cape Town and I saw him every second school holiday. When I was 13 my Dad relocated to the UK and I then saw him every second Christmas. When I was 17 my mother moved to the UK as well, I chose to stay in South Africa with my Brother and his dad to finish up high school. Shortly after I completed school I was Maliciously Kicked out of my “Home” and was left to fend for myself!

I have always taken care of myself! I have always been independent even as a child but independence at home and independence on your own are two different things. My parents have not always been in a position to help me and my family can vouch that I am the last person that will ask for help. I prefer to work things out on my own regardless of the strain or struggle I  have to go through!

I am a product of my upbringing as is every other person!

If you were in my shoes would you fight for the life you wanted or become a victim of your upbringing?

I am proud that I am a young adult with my head on my shoulders! I am proud that I can pay my way knowing I worked my ass off to do so. I am proud that my parents are proud of the daughter they raised! I am not a product of a pampered youth. I have fight and drive because I believe I deserve the best and I will fight tooth and nail to get it. If I outshine people tough!

For people to attack my character without knowing the real me, without knowing my struggles just because they are petty and jealous of my success truly gets my blood boiling. You never judge a book by its cover, you never truly know until you walk a mile in someone elses shoes.

This is the final time I will defend myself, here after I will just pity you!

I shouldn’t have to justify the person I am but feel I should as I always hope to change people for the better and maybe a bit of education in etiquette and human decency will do a few people some good!

The people who this post is aimed at will know it is about them if they see it so let me finish with this… I don’t walk around with a chip on my shoulder and neither should you! Embrace a positive outlook on life. There is already so much ugliness in the world! I never set out to bring people down. Only to inspire! Its time to let go!


My Motto!





Lucky Lady

Lady Luck on St. Paddy's

Lady Luck on St. Paddy’s

So I have had a lot of people tell me how lucky I am and how I just seem to always be winning or getting some cool freebie and I always tell them its not luck. I spend a lot of time entering contests and doing various surveys and such and so I end up with stuff almost every month.

I just recently won the new Shakira Perfume “S by Shakira”  and the month before it was a Nivea hamper and the month before that it was a big survey cash out.

I personally feel that if you put enough energy into something you will reap the rewards. I take 1 day out of my month and I sit and enter about 50 or so competitions and giveaways. The more you enter the higher your chances of winning. Its a simple as that! I know your probably thinking “How do you find so many contests?” Well that’s simple too. All the magazines that are sold in your Country are filled with Competitions and their websites have loads more. So I go onto every magazine website and enter the contests, there are always going to be at least 5 giveaway’s per website.

Enter every contest! Even if its not something you want. If you win you can sell it or give it as a gift and you end up saving money.

So there you go, that’s how I create my own “luck”

Hi, My Name is Tyler and I am a Shopperholic!

Hello dears,

I must admit I have had a very busy couple of weeks. I have taken on many projects and found I didn’t have any personal time.

I have taken on a new part time job, very simple all I have to do I find staff for Promotions & events. Also I have become a Sh’Zen Consultant. Yes that means tons of new beauty products to review. I already have so many I have no clue where to start…

Also I will not be posting anymore nail stuff on this blog as I have a blog for that now too. (here)

Other than that I hardly have any money saving news… I plan on visiting the Hospice soon to do a bit of “Thrift” shopping. But will try not buy too much!

I am in super save mode… Every Penny is being saved. I need a nest egg/rainy day fund/emergency money stash.  I have stopped shopping, I am curbing my impulsiveness by avoiding shops all together. In emergency cases where I actually “NEED” something I enter the shop, head down and determined to get out without being stopped by a sales person or the beautiful displays and promotions!



Is it a bad thing that I want to buy this dvd??? I actually love this movie. Totally me the only difference is I refuse to own a Credit Card (Thanks to this movie).

I have a clothing Account but I have hidden my card away so I cant go buy things.

How do you save money? Any advise?

Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter Review

Dirty Works Coconut Cream Body Butter

Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter

Imagine you are on a tropical adventure, think of the crystal blue water’s of Barbados filled with tropical fish and the warm breeze that blows through palm tree’s, see yourself sunbathing on the soft white sand with a fresh piña colada served in a coconut… Have you got the image?

That’s exactly how Dirty Works Coconut Caress Body Butter makes me feel when I use it. It smells like a holiday and it makes my skin feel as smooth as silk. I have never been so in love with a body butter in my life.

I suggest you go out and buy yourself some, its extremely relaxing.

Final opinion 10/10.

Juicy Fruits- Peach Blush Review

Juicy Fruits Peach Blush Collection by Woolworths.

Juicy Fruits Peach Blush Collection by Woolworth’s.

So I got the full Peach Blush Collection by Woolworth’s for my Birthday and I thought I would do a little review on the products. I will go from left to right.

Whisked Body Butter- I will start off by saying this stuff smells divine (All of the products smell fabulous so I wont repeat it after this), the application of this body butter is brilliant for starters its in tube rather than a tub so you can squeeze it right into you palms instead of dunking your hand into a tub. Its really smooth and it doesn’t leave an oily layer behind like some of the products out there and once its all soaked up your skin feels like silk. The scent of the body butter lingers on your skin well into the next day. So I would give this product a 10/10.

Iced Lip Balm- Its a good sized lip balm and I am finding that I am putting it on every hour or so because I keep rubbing my lips together because they feel so soft. It makes your lips shine as if it is a lip gloss but minus the sticky, from what I can see it has a slight shimmer to it as well. The only down fall is I struggle to open the container if I have anything on my hands. But other than that I would give it an 8/10.

Swirled Shimmer Lotion- The Shimmer Lotion is beautiful, it makes my skin look like I am a diamond Vampire, please excuse the cheesy Twilight reference, It also leaves a silky smooth finish. The only thing I didn’t like is that  it makes my hands sparkle and I cant get it off in 1 wash. Other than that its great so I give it a 7/10.

Hand & Body Wash- This is such a convenient bottle with the dispenser on top, the soap comes out easy enough and lather’s really well. It doesn’t leave your skin feeling squeaky like other body washes. Your skin is soft and peachy when you get out of the bath/shower. And its smell doesn’t disappear once you rinse off the soap, it lingers in your skin adding to the fragrance of the body butter. I will give this product a 9/10.

Crushed Body Scrub- I have not tried this product yet so stay tuned for my update.

I hope you loved my first review… Any pointers?


Birthday Adventure

So on Saturday 16 February 2013 I turned 22… It was a difficult one to be honest I was so against celebrating it because I was feeling sorry for myself as I feel the years are flying past me.

But on the day I put all my feelings aside and went on a little adventure… I journeyed to Stellenbosch on a mission to taste wine 😀

We started out at the “Slowmarket” to fill our bellies before the wine farm, the market was so busy and the most delicious  smells were in the air. My boyfriend and I walked around the market to see all the stalls before we each got some food and a drink. And then we wondered down to the massive Cedar tree’s and sat on the grass to relax.

The Slowmarket

The Slowmarket

Under the Tree's

Under the Tree’s

The whole vibe of the market is relaxed and mellow, and every food stall has a sample section which was my favorite. I got stuck into the “Princess Pesto” stall and ate so much pesto I could have turned green. The great thing is all the people there grow the produce so its all organic and wholesome, they have every kind of bread so if you have any strict dietary requirements this is the place to go.  All in all it was a wonderful experience and I would recommend everyone go there!

Once we were done at the “Slowmarket” we made our way to “Spier” to do a bit of wine Tasting.

Stellenbosch View

Stellenbosch View

I love going for long drives, the views of Cape Town are stunner, my Camera doesn’t give this view justice!

I went to Spier a couple of years ago and fell in love with it, Spier is one of my favorite places and I was so excited to go again. I did my research before we went just to get an Idea cost wise if we should go taste their wines and it worked out to be really cheap and really fun! There are a bunch of different “Tasting” options but we decided to do the “Spier Tasting” which costs R35.00 and you get to taste 5 wines. See here for other options.

Wine Tasting Menu

Wine Tasting Menu

Out of all the wines I tasted I fell in love with the “Spier Signature Cabernet Sauvignon” Its a sweet red that has tastes of Cinnamon  Caramel, Tobacco & Blackberry. I have no clue about wines but that’s why I wanted to do this tasting, I wanted to learn more because I love wine (tehe… Like LOVE it) and it was such a great experience as well.

Red Red Wine... Yum!

Red Red Wine… Yum!

After the tasting we walked around Spier’s grounds and took a look at some of the old buildings they have there. Then we wondered into the shop and bought some snacks and had a bit of a picnic under the Acorn Tree’s by the lake.

I found it really cool that they have these fun photo frames to take pictures with, here are some we did… The sun was not in our favour!

Shame on the shadows

Shame on the shadows



But that’s about it, that was my little birthday adventure and it really didn’t break the bank! Just note if you go to have a picnic at Spier, they don’t put prices on the food at the picnic shop so you might get a shock when you pay…

I would love to hear about your adventures too.


Cape Town Adventures for my Birthday

Well Hello There,

Tomorrow will be my 22nd birthday and as part of my attempt at being a different person I will be going on an Adventure. Instead of taking a billion shots and not having any memory of the previous night, I will be wine tasting… Yes very sophisticated but its something I have always wanted to do and so this is my chance. I’m excited and you should be too because come next week I will know a lot more about Cape Town Wine Culture and I will be able to give better advise on how to have fun while being broke.

And as many of you may also know I have an addiction to Essence products so look what I got as an early Birthday present from my fabulous man…

My New Essence Perfume

Both smell fantastic, they literally smell like their names. But I will review them next week once I have had a chance to wear them both.


Have a great weekend and wish me luck on my adventure to 22…